Feeding tilapia fish with crackers | chips

Feeding tilapia fish with crackers / chips

Hello friends, in this video I will show you about tilapia fish fed with crackers / chips.

Today while on my way to the garden, I met a traveling crackers / chips trader who was stopping to choose the crackers / chips he was carrying, it turned out that the trader was separating the remaining crackers / chips that were not sold because they were no longer crispy. And he said he was going to throw them away because they were too hard to carry, so I asked him to give them to the fish.


I got about 4 packs of crackers from the trader, and I brought them to the tilapia fish pond in the garden. One by one I gave the crackers / chips to the tilapia fish in the pond. wowww amazing, the tilapia fish scrambled to eat the crackers / chips, they really liked it and really enjoyed the crackers / chips.

You can see it in this video, the tilapia fish are fighting over the crackers / chips that I gave them. so it looks like some fish want to jump into the water so they can get the crackers / chips. one cracker / chips can be finished by the fish in a very short time, less than five seconds, very amazing.

Garden Grow - Life With Nature
